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“As you begin to understand your DRIVE and gain insight into yourself, it gives you a greater insight into others, and insight allows you to make a greater impact in life.”
Les Brown
Laws of Success
“DRIVE is a wonderful tool I highly recommend for you to discover who you really are, which will allow you to have more love, wealth, health, and joy in your life.”
Jack Canfield
New York Times Bestselling Co-Author of Chicken Soup for the Soul
“DRIVE illustrates the five buying personalities. The good news is you already speak one. The bad news is you’re accidentally alienating the other four which is costing you sales. Learn the missing four buying personalities and you have the potential to increase your sales by 400%.”
Garrett Gunderson
New York Times Bestselling Author of Killing Sacred Cows
“After I trained with Woody I cleared six figures on my first keynote speech by implementing DRIVE. This system will forever change your sales.”
Ron Williams
7-time Mr. Natural Olympia
7-time Mr. Natural Universe
7-time Mr. Natural World
“I had the honor of having Woody perform the true power of DRIVE in front of a live audience at an event I ran in Australia. It was so powerful the audience demanded additional training. We had to change the agenda to make room for him to dive deeper. It was one of the most relevant and mind-blowing trainings I have ever witnessed.”
Frazer Brookes
Social Media Strategist
“In three years, I took my company from my garage to being one of Inc 500’s Fastest Growing Companies. Woody has been my business strategist for over 10 years, and I attribute so much of my success, both personally and financially, to his brilliant DRIVE program.”
Inger Erickson
Uppercase Living
“At JetBlue I taught my team how to use DRIVE to resolve customer concerns, lower employee turnover, and increase team morale. DRIVE is my go-to system to increase customer engagement.”
Anna Smith
JetBlue Senior CSVC
“I invited Woody to speak at one of my international events. I challenged him to use DRIVE to sell one of MY products, not his. When the final numbers came in, he increased my sales by 1440%. If you want to change your sales numbers read this book.”
Rob Sperry
The Game of Networking
“Since being introduced to DRIVE my philosophy of business management and entrepreneurship has changed significantly. DRIVE centered strategies and business plans produce results! It takes the ‘guessing’ out of sales, marketing, and managing staff.”
Matthew Casto
Senior Art Director, Universal Studios
“If you are a mind reader, you do NOT need this book. But if by chance you find yourself lacking in mind-reading skills—activate the DRIVE Sales System immediately. It will give you laser focus on closing more sales and increasing your income.”
Troy Dunn
TV Host
“DRIVE not only increased my business and our non-profit, it has enlightened us to know how to empower others! DRIVE took us to the next levels!”
Leesa Price
CEO Princess Warrior
“IT WORKS! We have grown our business by almost 100% since implementing the DRIVE Sales System.”
Eric Counts
Founder of
"Woody is one of the most creative people I've ever met. He has the ability to break complex subjects into simple, step by step concepts. This is what he has done with sales in DRIVE. If you want to sell more, and if you want to know why your prospects are buying from you, then you need DRIVE."
Justin Prince
Change Your World
“When I first met Woody I was already successful but lost in my own world. Through his DRIVE system I learned how to create myself as an asset and how to start attracting all the right people and situations into my life. With his help my life took off and I've been able to create a life I never dreamed of before. This book is a must-read, more so for one’s self but also for their business.”
Jimmy Rex
You End Up Where You’re Heading
“DRIVE has taken my sales to the next level by helping me understand how to identify the five buying personality types. If you are looking to increase your sales and gain a new mindset, skillset, and toolset—this book delivers.”
Cody Hofhine
Co-Founder Wholesaling Inc.
“You cannot make a difference in the lives of others until you know what DRIVEs them. Being able to connect on a deep intimate level will allow you to create wealth in your life, relationships, and in your business.”